The seed assortment in Levinsen can be divided into three segments in relation to the end use of the plants that sprout from the seed. The three segments simultaneously represent three very different products and markets, whereby together they form a good and balanced basis with a reasonable spread of risk for the total turnover in the company. The three segments are:
- Seeds for wood production in the forest and afforestation
- Seeds for hedges, landscape and ornamental plants
- Seeds for Christmas trees and ornamental greenery
Levinsen markets its seed products in Central and Northern Europe, North America as well as a smaller, exotic export. For generations, Levinsen has supplied seeds to nurseries at home and abroad, which is why most nurseries and Christmas tree growers know the company for reliability, quality and provenance.

The company has a number of its own seed plantations located around Denmark. In addition, the company primarily works with private forestry and in this connection has cooperation agreements with over 50 forest and plot owners in Denmark and abroad. On these properties, Levinsen produces seed in collaboration with the plot owners, where prior to each harvest season it is planned how, how much and when to harvest, so that the quantities produced are sensibly aligned with the expected market demand, taking into account the potential growing season for the seed in question.
It is a big puzzle that needs to be optimized every year with many unknown factors influencing the result. In that context, the pollination, and the quality of it in the spring, plays a central role in the potential quality of the seed product that can be achieved, but also wind and weather in connection with harvesting and storage of raw materials until the seed is ready, have an impact on the subsequent quality and storage options.
Levinsen primarily harvests seeds in Denmark, Georgia, and Germany, but is also to a lesser extent active in e.g. Poland and other Eastern European countries.
Levinsen has its own laboratory, where our quality manager supervises seed analyses. Quality control takes place in direct connection with production, which for seeds means germination tests, purity analysis, measurement of water content and determination of seed size (1000-grain weight). In this way, the company’s nursery customers can adapt and optimize the sowing of seeds so that the plant density is optimal for the species.
We sell both “dry” seed, i.e. untreated seed, but also pre-treated seed ready for sowing. Customers interested in pre-treated seed should order it well in advance, as depending on the species, the pre-treatment time can be very long. Levinsen also cleans and pre-treats seeds for customers who already have a seed harvest that needs to be refined and pre-treated.
By-products from production, such as cones and cone shells, are also traded in some cases for e.g. Christmas decorations or as an outlay in the garden beds.
The company’s facilities and knowledge mean that a good solution can often be found that suits the customer’s needs.